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Inception phase (2023 - 2025)


The inception phase of the project 101 will serve as a critical foundation for the successful implementation of national Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) Critical Infrastructure Protection capabilities across participating countries. This phase is designed to ensure thorough preparation, strategic planning, and initial capacity-building activities that will set the stage for the subsequent implementation phase.

First, the project will focus on defining and analyzing each country's baseline status regarding national CBRN Critical Infrastructure Protection capabilities. This will involve identifying various ministries, national competent authorities, relevant local agencies, and expertise in each country.

Second, the phase will involve forming teams of key experts along with local experts to carry out reviews and assessments, clarifying precisely where value can be added within the scope of the project. Deliverable deadlines will be set throughout the project duration according to the work plan.

Third, workshops and seminars will be organized, typically lasting a minimum of three working days per specific topic, with locations agreed upon with National Focal Points (NFPs) and/or the SEEE CA and MIE Regional Secretariat.

An inventory of institutional and operational capabilities to protect CBRN Critical Infrastructure facilities and practices will be completed in all participant countries. Additionally, an inventory of country-tailored equipment and software needs to upgrade existing physical protection and security (including cyber-security) systems will be created.

Training needs for specific groups of security personnel on the protection of CBRN Critical Infrastructure facilities and practices will be identified. Finally, tailor-made implementation action plans for the enhancement of security of national CBRN Critical Infrastructure facilities and practices will be developed for each participating country.

In conclusion, the inception phase will be a comprehensive and strategic effort to prepare each participating country for effective CBRN Critical Infrastructure Protection. By establishing clear baselines, forming expert teams, conducting workshops, and creating detailed inventories and action plans, the project will lay the groundwork for a robust and sustainable implementation phase, ultimately enhancing the security and protection of critical infrastructure in the regions.

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